Adding chiropractic care to your back-to-school checklist could be a game-changer for their overall health and wellness. Contact Centenary Chiro for more information.
Let’s face it: school can be a real pain in the neck—literally.
As summer winds down and the back-to-school season creeps in, parents everywhere are scrambling to gather supplies, organise schedules, and mentally prepare for the chaos of homework and early mornings. But while you’re busy stocking up on notebooks and pens, have you thought about your kid’s spine? Yep, you heard me right—chiropractic care might just be the secret weapon you didn’t know you needed for this school year!
With heavy backpacks, long hours hunched over desks, and the inevitable slouching that comes with scrolling through social media, your child’s spine is taking a beating. But fear not! Adding chiropractic care to your back-to-school checklist could be a game-changer for their overall health and wellness. Think of it as giving their spine a little TLC before they dive headfirst into the academic grind.
Australian Chiropractic Association Health Checklist
According to the Australian Chiropractic Association, here’s their Back To School Health Checklist:
BACKPACK: Kids need to carry their backpacks in a spine-safe way. Children’s spines are still developing, and carrying excessive weight or carrying it unevenly can cause strain on their back and shoulders. Start by packing the heaviest items into the back of the bag. Then carry the backpack with two straps, adjusting it to the correct height and securing the waist strap. Then they’re set to go!
POSTURE: When sitting in school, it’s important kids maintain good posture throughout the day. Our little learners should sit with their shoulders back and relaxed, with both feet firmly on the floor.
NUTRITION: For growing and developing young minds, kids must eat a balanced and healthy diet, filled with lots of fruit, veggies, and water. Eating healthy nutritious food is essential for growth and to keep the little learners alert in the classroom and active in the playground.
SCREEN TIME: We all know learning these days means more screen time, so try and reduce your child’s recreational screen time where possible. Instead, encourage them to go outside and get some fresh air! Prolonged screen time often leads to excessive slouching or hunching over devices, resulting in symptoms of ‘tech neck’. Tech neck is where the neck and upper shoulders become strained from constantly looking down at screens.
EXERCISE: Getting enough physical activity is key for a child’s wellbeing, so as a guide, kids should try and get at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily. Try walking to school or kicking a ball when they get home!1
How To Choose The Right Backpack
Did you know there is a backpack approved by Chiropractic Association?
First off, let’s talk about that backpack. Heavy textbooks can weigh down not just your kid’s back but also their mood. A good chiropractor can help you find the right fit and teach your child how to wear it properly to avoid future back issues.
But when it comes to finding the right bag, there is one already approved by the Chiropractic Association: The Chiropak by Spartan
This durable, functional and comfortable backpack is proven to reduce the incidence and severity of neck and back pain associated with the carriage of heavy loads.
Spartan's unique multi-purpose CHIROPAK II is the only junior/senior school bag in Australia developed with and endorsed by the Australian Chiropractors Association.
You can find it here: Chiropak Backpack
How To Correctly Pack Your Bag
Here are some tips on how to ensure your child packs their bag correctly:
- Only pack essentials to lessen the load, perhaps use school lockers if available.
- Pack the heaviest items closest to the spine and make sure all zippers are done up all the way.
- Secure the sternum and waist straps (they’re there for a reason).
- Always wear both straps.
- Reduce the time spent wearing the backpack to no more than 30 minutes at any one time2
Chiropractic Care For Children
Just like you wouldn’t skip a dentist appointment, regular visits to a chiropractor can help keep your kid’s spine aligned and healthy.
And it’s not just about the physical stuff! Chiropractic care can also promote better focus and concentration—two things every parent desperately hopes for as their child tackles math homework. With the right adjustments, your kid might find it easier to sit still and pay attention in class. Plus, who wouldn’t want a little boost in their immune system as they head back into the germ-infested world of classrooms?
Understanding how adjustments work for children can be enlightening for parents. Pediatric adjustments are often gentle and tailored to the child's age and size, focusing on supporting their developing bodies.
The benefits of chiropractic care for children include improved posture, enhanced nervous system function, and better overall wellbeing. By addressing any spinal issues early, parents can help their children avoid discomfort and distractions that may arise during the back to school transition.
So, as you prepare your checklist of stationery and other school supplies, don’t forget to book an appointment for your child's chiropractic care, ensuring they start the academic year with a strong foundation for success.
Book Today With Your Family Chiropractor!
Centenary Chiropractic Centre is here to help your family stay healthy.
If you’re getting your kids ready for school in this new year, consider booking an appointment with us, your local chiropractor for Camira and surrounding areas. Book online here or give us a call on 07 3381 0440.
- Wong, L. (2024, January 29). Back to School, Back to Health: Get Your Kids Ready For the New Year! - ACA. ACA.
- Back to School - ACA. (2025, January 13). ACA.