Expert chiropractic services in Camira
Centenary Chiropractic Centre
Opening hours: Monday 7:30am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 3:00pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 12:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Friday 7:30am - 12:30pm
Every alternate Saturday
What is chiropractic and how can it help?
Centenary Chiropractic Centre
What is chiropractic?
Centenary Chiropractic Centre
Creating health and well-being
Centenary Chiropractic Centre
Are you neglecting your neck?
The neck is one of the most important, and probably most neglected, parts of our body.
Within its structure it carries vital nerves, arteries and veins whilst performing the essential task of supporting the head on two very small vertebrae. The head weighs approximately four to six kilograms. This means good balance in the neck muscles is important, and the posture of the neck is critical to body function resulting in little or no neck pain.
What causes my neck pain?
Most people do not exercise the neck muscles correctly or, worse still, do no neck exercises at all.
This causes problems because neck muscles are very small in comparison to other back muscles, which perform a similar function. In addition the neck is particularly prone to injuries from falls, hits, whiplash and various other forms of trauma. This can result in many common, recurring symptoms such as headaches, neck pain, tension and stiffness, pins and needles and numbness of the neck, shoulders or fingers.
The neck - your own shock absorber!
Another important role of the neck is to act as a shock absorber.
This is why it has a forward curve (lordosis) when seen from the side. Once a neck is injured causing neck pain, it often loses this forward curve and thus its shock absorption capacity. This puts further stress on the neck, interfering with blood flow and nerves. A bad posture may develop with the head projected forward in relation to the shoulders.
Sleeping habits that affect your neck
One of the factors implicated in neck problems is sleeping on the stomach.
Sleeping with a contour pillow will assist in stabilising the neck. All this emphasises the absolute importance of doing daily exercises to strengthen and maintain the balance of the neck muscles. To obtain good stability in the neck and preserve its important function, there must be a balance between the muscles at the front, back and sides of the neck.
Ask your chiropractor
The biggest mistake that people make in neck exercising is to “roll” their neck.
The neck is not designed for that movement. You should see your chiropractor, who will advise you on specific and gentle exercises to help strengthen and maintain flexibility in your neck
What are some common causes of neck pain?
Neck pain can be caused by a variety of factors including poor posture, muscle tension, neck injuries, and spine misalignment. Regularly performing exercises to help reduce neck pain and improve range of motion can be beneficial in alleviating discomfort.
Why is it important to strengthen the neck?
Strengthening the neck is essential for maintaining a strong neck that can better withstand daily activities and reduce the risk of injury. Strong neck muscles act as a shock absorber and help stabilise the spine, preventing whiplash and other potential injuries.
How can neck muscles be strengthened?
Neck muscles can be strengthened through exercises that target specific muscle groups in the neck area. Focus on neck strengthening exercises that are often overlooked but are crucial for overall muscle balance and function. Consult with a physical therapist for personalised recommendations.
What are some effective neck exercises to improve muscle function?
There are various neck exercises that can help stabilize and strengthen the neck muscles. Focus on exercises that target the neck flexors and muscles of the neck, as these are probably the most neglected but play a crucial role in supporting the head and reducing tension and stiffness.
Can poor posture contribute to neck pain?
Poor posture can lead to neck pain by placing excessive strain on the cervical spine and causing muscle imbalance. To improve posture and reduce the risk of back pain, focus on exercises that promote spinal alignment and maintain flexibility in the neck region.
Consulting your chiropractor
Your local chiropractor for neck pain!
Research has shown that chiropractic adjustments are the best way for correcting neck pain and maintaining neck problems. As your local chiropractor for Camira and surrounding areas, consider booking an appointment with us. Give us a call on 07 3381 0440 or book online here: