Expert chiropractic services in Camira

Expert chiropractic services in Camira

Centenary Chiropractic Centre

With over 25 years' experience in first-rate, professional spinal health services in Australia, you can rest assured you're in safe hands.

Opening hours: Monday 7:30am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 3:00pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 12:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Friday 7:30am - 12:30pm
Every alternate Saturday

What is chiropractic and how can it help?

Centenary Chiropractic Centre

Over 100 years ago, D.D. Palmer (the Founder of Chiropractic) had a "big idea" — that good health can be sustained naturally, without drugs or surgery, through chiropractic care. Today, chiropractic is the second largest licensed health care profession. 

Chiropractors work with and enhance the body's natural ability to heal itself without drugs or surgery. Like all professional health care practitioners, chiropractors follow definite protocols to gain the information to provide you with the best care. They will take your history and conduct physical, orthopaedic and neurological examinations and may order or take X-rays.

What is chiropractic?

Centenary Chiropractic Centre

We know that the nervous system controls the functions of every tissue, organ and system in the body. Chiropractic concerns itself with the relationship between structure (primarily ale spine) and function (primarily coordinated by the nervous system) of the human body, and how that relationship affects the restoration and preservation of health. 

When that relationship is compromised by a spinal bone interfering with your nervous system (a vertebral subluxation), your chiropractor will deliver a spinal adjustment (a specific, precise, corrective force to the offending spinal segment). 

This correction permits normal nerve transmission, enabling the body's innate recuperative power to begin the healing process. It is said that the body needs no help or interference in looking after itself.

Creating health and well-being

Centenary Chiropractic Centre

Centenary Chiropractic Centre provides fantastic spinal health services in Camira. Dr Hodal uses a comprehensive and gentle method called the Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT). Founded in 1925, this technique has been studied and researched around the world. Its on-going success is the result of worldwide innovations in chiropractic treatments. 
So, call us today.  

With over 25 years' experience in first-rate, professional spinal health services in Australia, you can rest assured you're in safe hands.
40 Seconds a Day to Release Tension and Improve Upper Spinal Posture

40 Seconds a Day to Release Tension and Improve Upper Spinal Posture

A forward shift in head position (poking chin posture) is one of the most common postural distortions seen by chiropractors. Ideal posture, when viewed from the side, should have the ear opening vertically in line with the point of the shoulder.

Forward shifting of the head can have a significant effect on the spine. For every 2-3cm your head slips forward, the load on your shoulders DOUBLES. This may lead to neck, mid-back and shoulder pain, as well as headaches, rotator cuff problems or tingling down the arms. 


Apart from the physical effects, a slouched posture with forward head and shoulders is not aesthetically pleasing. When you think of someone who is healthy, self-confident and beautiful, the image is of someone who stands relaxed and upright, not hunched over. 


To reduce forward head position and improve your health, try this 4-part daily exercise. All 4 parts are done standing with a relaxed, tall posture. Draw in the stomach slightly and gently tuck in the tailbone. The chest should be open with the shoulders and head drawn back. Fingers should be pointed straight out and thumb extended away from the fingers. 


  • Stand with straight arms above your head and thumbs pointing behind you. Draw your shoulders and backwards so you feel a tightening in the muscles at the back of the neck and between the shoulder blades. Hold for 10 seconds. 
  • Stand with your arms straight out (crucifix position) and thumbs pointing behind you. Repeat muscle tightening as in step one. 
  • Stand with your arms straight out, elbows bent at 90 degrees. Fingers are pointing upwards and thumbs pointing behind you. Repeat muscle tightening. 
  • Stand in the same position as in step 3, but with elbows drawn down. Fingers remain pointing behind you. Repeat muscle tightening. 


This is an excellent and easy way to make real changes in the balance of your upper spine and nervous system


Book chiropractor appointment online today @ or call us on: 07 3381 0440

For expert chiropractic services in Camira, call Centenary Chiropractic Centre today on 07 3381 0440
