It’s an ongoing problem: trying to find the right pillow! One that checks all the boxes of being comfortable and providing adequate support can be challenging but worth it in the end. How many ‘spare’ pillows do we all have lying around at home? Pillows that seemed okay in the store, but after a couple of bad nights were quickly relegated to the guest room! Thousands of people could be needlessly suffering from disrupted sleep due to bad pillow choices at bedtime. Using the wrong pillow is a common cause of neck and back problems and can have a significant impact on both the quality and duration of sleep, leading to chronic tiredness and other health problems.
Fortunately, there are number of things that can be done to ensure an unsuitable pillow is not going to get in the way of getting a healthy night’s sleep. It is important to choose a pillow that is of a shape and material that suits your sleeping position. For example, a side sleeper will need something that supports and contours the neck, providing an even surface, whereas a back sleeper will require a medium support pillow that will cradle the natural curvature of the upper spine, providing support under the head, neck and shoulders.
One of the other common mistakes people make is that they keep the same old pillow for years. They do wear out and need to be replaced eventually, just like your mattress. Generally, a feather pillow should last around eight years, a down pillow five years and a man-made filling from six months to two years.
The choice in pillows today is vast. The newer designs and materials may offer an advantage for some people giving greater support and they also usually last far longer than loose filled pillows. However, they can be a significant initial investment so take your time in selecting the correct pillow.
Let’s get excited to sleep and wake up feeling well rested! Don’t put off the problems with your pillow. If you need assistant and advice in choosing a pillow, book an appointment with your chiropractor online @ or call us today on 07 3381 0440