It’s Just Growing Pains…

It’s Just Growing Pains…

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Growing pains are cramping and achy muscle leg pains can occur as early as age three or four. Consult your Chiro for some tips.

Growing pains are cramping, achy muscle leg pains that may start as early as age three or four and may also re-occur later on towards the adolescent years. This type of pain often occurs in the late afternoon or evening, and it may even cause children to wake up crying in the night which can be very distressing. It is now thought that they’re not actually linked to growth spurts (as once believed) And that they appear to be more common after intensive physical activity or sports. Growing pains can be experienced for months or even years but eventually they will subside. 

Children can be so resilient and often it’s one bang or knock after the other! However, it is important to be aware of the sources of ongoing physical stress to a child’s spine. Heavy backpacks and long periods of sitting and slouching are a serious concern as they can place additional pressure on the developing spine and body. This can then lead onto ongoing health problems as the body struggles to function effectively. 

Good posture is a key part of maintaining good spinal health and your family chiropractor will be able to advise you on ways to improve you and your family’s posture to ensure you all have a healthier spine and improved overall health and wellbeing. Proper hydration is also vitally important to avoid muscle cramping and maintain electrolyte balance, so it is critical to ensure that all of your family members are drinking enough water throughout the day. 

So, does that mean it’s normal to have growing pains and we should just ignore them? The answer is absolutely not. Children should not suffer from ongoing pain and if they do, it should always be fully investigated. So often it gets brushed off as just ‘growing pains’ but discomfort in children can be a sign of a developmental or functional problem. In rare cases it can even indicate a more serious condition. Parents should make sure they take their child to the chiropractor for a check up to see if something is functionally or structurally amiss. Altered biomechanics and spinal misalignment, especially in the lower lumbar spine and pelvis, creates imbalances in the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles, which may contribute to leg pain. Pelvic misalignment can lead to leg length inequality where the child is unevenly distributing his or her weight, placing additional stress and strain not only on the spine, but the feet, ankles, and knees as well. 

Your chiropractor will fully assess your child’s spine for areas that are not functioning properly and correct them using precise spinal adjustments. A chiropractic adjustment restores nervous system function and your child’s whole body benefits. Often this is all that is required but your chiropractor will refer to the most appropriate health care provider if they suspect something more serious may be occurring. If your child is complaining of pain or discomfort that is not resolving it is important to get them checked as soon as possible. 

Dr. Steve Hodal is committed to providing high-quality, individualized chiropractic care in a comfortable and relaxed environment. He is dedicated to providing evidence-based treatments that are tailored to each patient’s individual needs, allowing them to achieve optimal health and wellbeing. Contact us to know more about this disorder or Book Online.